New Lizard Species Named After IRON MAIDEN's BRUCE DICKINSON

February 13, 2024

According to, a new lizard species has been named after IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson.

Named Enyalioides dickinsoni, the lizard was found in the Cordillera de Colán mountain range 460 miles north of Lima, Peru. Three localities are known to be home to this lizard species. its habitat includes coffee crops, cacao and citrus, as well as cow pastures. and mountainous forests at elevations from 4,600 to 5,600 feet (1,405-1,717 m).

According to LatinAmerican Post, the naming of Enyalioides dickinsoni in honor of Bruce Dickinson "is a testament to the enduring influence of cultural figures on scientific discovery. It's a reminder of the interconnectedness of our world, where the legacy of a heavy metal icon can extend into the realms of environmental conservation and scientific research. This discovery not only enriches our understanding of the biodiversity of the Amazon but also celebrates the multifaceted contributions of individuals like Dickinson to global culture and awareness."

For more information, visit BioOne.

This is not the first time a species has been named after the IRON MAIDEN singer. Back in 2019, Brazilian biologist Christina Rheims discovered four new huntsman spider species and named them after some of her favorite musicians, among them Dickinson. Extraordinarius bruceinkinsoni can be found in Central and South America, and it belongs to a spider genus, also discovered by Rheims, who happens to be a heavy metal fan.

Scientists have been naming species in honor of celebrities since the 18th century. According to The Conversation, the father of taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus, coined names to curry the favor (and open the purses) of rich patrons.

According to BBC, an estimated 17,000 to 24,000 animal species are identified every year. The scientists who identify the new species get to choose a name. Often they pick one that alludes to distinguishing features of the animal, or the place it is found, but some choose the name of someone they respect or admire.

Some researchers have said that naming a new species after a celebrity is a way to bring attention to spiders and other animals who are otherwise ignored.

There are plenty of other animals, plants and other fascinating bits of nature named after rock and metal musicians, including those named after Lemmy, Dave Mustaine, METALLICA, Freddie Mercury and SEPULTURA.

El Instituto Peruano de Herpetología (IPH) ha descubierto...

Posted by Patas y Patitas on Thursday, February 1, 2024

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En la Cordillera de Colán, un grupo de científicos...

Posted by VOZ-Perú TV on Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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